History of the Rotary Club of Lake Conroe
About Our Club
The Rotary Club of Lake Conroe was formed in 1994 and Chartered on January 27th of 1995, when business and professional people from the area were asked to attend an Orientation in July, and 27 residents became Charter members. The new club quickly grew and found a home aboard the Southern Empress, a paddle boat berthed at Lakeview Marina on Lake Conroe. For the next seven years members, visiting Rotarians and guests saw magnificent sunrises, great birds and early morning fishermen - the riches of Lake Conroe. Then the RCLC moved to the Walden Yacht Club, a beautiful building with a panorama view of Lake Conroe and the 1097 Rotary Friendship Bridge, and great breakfasts! Since then RCLC moved to an evening social meeting at El Bosque - Montgomery, were we currently enjoy the networking, fellowship and various projects.
Club members hit the ground running in 1994 and quickly completed local and international projects, with our new sister club in Monterrey, Mexico, by organizing various functions to raise funds for community and vocational projects. For our friends across the border this included an X-Ray machine for a childrens Cerebral Palsy Institute, equipment for a pain management clinic for the poor, as well as other medical equipment, vehicles and medicines. Club members also provided support for Rotary's Hunger Plus program, M.D. Anderson Pedriatic Center, Angel Flight, water well projects in Central America, and so much more. Although some projects have ended, new ones are always coming aboard and our cub continues to be involved in the community and beyond in numerous ways. The club has come to be known as "The Little Club That Can...And Does!"
In addition 1985 saw the launch of the Rotary Polio Plus program to protect children worldwide from the cruel and fatal consequences of polio. In 1988, the World Health Assembly challenged the world to eradicate polio. Since that time, Rotary's efforts and those of partner agencies, including the World Health Organization, the United National Children's Fund, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and governments around the world, have achieved a 99 percent reduction in the number of polio cases worldwide. Rotary members around the globe have thus far contributed nearly $700 million to this cause.
Locally, the club has done many projects such as construction work on the residential facility at Bridgewood Farms rehabilitation center, renovation of the Allen house in Montgomery. In addition there is strong support for adult literacy in the region, as well as many other smaller but equally important local community projects. Our largest project is a totally unique, tranquil park for all to enjoy adjacent to the Charles B Stewart Library in Montgomery.
Membership of RCLC averages 50 men and women from all walks of life and the club is proud of the fact that it has has won the coveted President's Citation every year and is a consistent district leader in contributions made to The Rotary Foundation.
A very important part of the Club's efforts are directed towards the the provision of Scholarships for graduating seniors at both Montgomery and Willis High Schools each year, and The annual Linda Ricketts Literacy Scholarship.
Service Above Self is the motto and charge to every Rotarian in every club. Members of the Rotary Club of Lake Conroe live up to that motto and have added one more question to the Rotary International Four-Way Test:
1) Is it the Truth
2) Is it Fair to all concerned
3) Will it build Goodwill and better Friendships
4) Will it be Beneficial to all concerned
and at the Rotary Club of Lake Conroe, we have added a Fifth:
In the Rotary Club of Lake Conroe it is both Fun and hugely rewarding. Come and join us. Also follow The Rotary Club News column, called "A Rotary Moment" every Sunday in The Conroe Courier and online at their website.
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